Plein Air or "Train Air"

Plein Air or "Train Air"

Where does a group of plein air painters in New York City paint during the winter? On Saturday, February 1, six artists including myself were inspired to paint inside a subway station in Washington Heights. Staking out spots on the mezzanine level of the 181st Street Station (A Train), just inside the 184th Street turnstiles, we spent several hours capturing various vantage points. It turned out to be the perfect spot to paint -- lighting that didn't change, a constant stream of curious commuters and art supporters, and a comfortable temperature. We're looking forward to the next "Train Air" Painting Day!

Participating Artists:

Jan Mohlman

Lisa Olson

Jessica Prior (IG: jessicapriorart) 

Tony Serio (IG: tony.serio)

Susan Cottle (IG: susancottlestudio)

Francis Hsueh (IG: francis.h.sketches)

Some of the works we created that day

Painting by Francis Hsueh
Painting by Jan Mohlman
Painting 1 by Tony Serio
Painting 2 by Tony Serio
Painting by Jessica Prior which is a portrait of Francis who is standing across from her.
Francis's Easel on the subway mezzanine
Jessica and Francis, with Jessica's portrait of Francis
Jessica Prior's Easel
Jan Mohlman
Susan Cottle
Lisa Olson


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