Solo Show At Buunni Coffee (Pinehurst Ave) January and Extended through February 2024

Solo Show At Buunni Coffee (Pinehurst Ave) January and Extended through February 2024

17 Nocturne Paintings, currently hanging at Buunni Coffee on Pinehurst Ave, Washington Heights, Manhattan.

I love night scenes. I have spent countless hours taking night walks over the years, and these paintings capture just a few of those moments which have stopped me in my tracks.

These pieces are special to me because, unlike my typical watercolor paintings, they require the use of gouache which is an opaque water-based paint that allows me to conjure light out of darkness. It is a kind of reverse artistic process: instead of reserving white space to show the light, I need to reserve negative space to give form to the night. It is in those darkest areas where the viewer's imagination takes flight. You help fill in the void. You help verbalize the unspoken. This unique dialogue is what makes a nocturne painting so powerful.

Exhibition Catalog can be found here.

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